Global Language Lab

Language is an integral part of any culture.

Are you looking to enhance your creative output and improve your problem-solving skills? Studies have shown that learning a new language can help achieve these goals and more. And, at Sakura Foundation, we offer students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the study of Japanese language in an engaging and interactive lab setting.

Our programs are designed in compliance with international Japanese language learning standards (NAT & JLPT), and are often subject to upgradation under the guidance of an esteemed panel of acemedicians. 
Our instructors use a variety of teaching methods, including games, discussions, and hands-on activities, to keep students engaged and motivated. The immersive lab setting ensures that students are fully immersed in the language, helping to speed up their learning process.

At Sakura Foundation, we offer courses by native Japanese, with extensive experience in training technical and non-technical work streams. Our program is designed to cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. And, once students have completed the course, we provide them with employment opportunities, helping to further their language skills and expand their professional network.

Whether you are looking to improve your language skills, enhance your creative output, or expand your professional opportunities, the Sakura Foundation has a program that is right for you. 

Courses Offered

Japanese Language Course

Learn Japanese ( Nihongo). Prepare for JLPT - Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (Jlpt).

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Hindi Language Course

Learn Hindi. Hindi language courses spread across Basic, Intermediate and Adv levels.

Sanskrit Language Course

Learn Sanskrit. Sanskrit language courses spread across Basic, Intermediate and Adv levels.


Students from different batches shared their experiences of their association with SIF.
